Magento 1 end of life Announcement — Upgrade to Magento 2
What Does Moving from Magento 1 to Magento 2 Means to Your Prevailing Magento Store?
There are numerous positive ramifications involved in moving your e-commerce store from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Let’s review all the aspects one at a time.
1. Extensions
Most of the extensions that are compatible with Magento 1 may or may not be compatible with Magento 2. You need to run an extensive audit on your Magento 1 store to find out which extensions are directly compatible with Magento 2 store and which are not.
However, according to the statement given by Magento, if you update the major plugins and extensions before Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration, you can use them as well in Magento 2.
The noteworthy point here is running an audit on your Magento 1 store is quintessential to find out the number of integrations and extensions that are redundant.
2. Design of the Store
Depending on the complexity of your Magento 1 store, you will have to partially or completely re-design the website. It is quite a daunting and extensive process,but with the expertise of certified magento 2 developers, you can make Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration hassle-free.
Before re-designing the store, you should run an exhaustive auditto make sure you will be able to maintain the functionality and user-experience in the latest Magento version.
3. Security
After Magento 1 end of life, its security will be uncertain. When you migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2, ensure whether you will continue to receive extensions and plugins update or not?
Assuring the platform’ssecurity will save your platform from falling bad of compliance regulations.
4. Costs
One thing is for sure; you will have to spend a significant amount of money and time to develop your store on Magento 2 platform. In a nutshell, the major cost will be off running the audit process for the migration.
Apart from the audit part, site-redesigning will also gobble its fair share of amount. The cost of Magento 2 store development varies according to your addition or deduction in requirements. If you want to dwindle the e-commerce development cost, you can opt for Woo-commerce or Big commerce. However, these platforms don’t boast the robust functionalities of the Magento platform.
5. Hosting
As Magento 2 is way more potent and efficacious than Magento1, you will have to fine-tune your hosting for the efficient functioning of your revamped and upgraded Magento store. Moreover, reforming your hosting along with the platform is one fine opportunity to augment your website’s overall infrastructure and makes it more scalable. Robust, and efficient. Moreover, reprogramming your hosting for the Magento 2 platform will enhance the overall functioning of the store without any hassle.
Things You Can Expect Before Magento 1 End of Life
The Magento 1 life is going to end in June 2020. Here, we are going to mention a couple of things that merchants could expect as long as Magento is rendering the Magento 1 support.
For Magento 1 Enterprise Edition
Merchants will continue to get support for Magento 1.9 to 1.14 versions till June 2020. There are in total six Magento 1 versions, and each version support will vary. The last two versions Magento 1.13 and Magento 1.14 will get complete support from Magento and Adobe till June 2020. If your Magento store version lies between 1.9 to 1.12, you won’t get quality fixes. However, security patches will be provided to you.
For Magento 1 Community Edition
No quality fixes will be provided to merchants who are using Magento community edition from 1.5 to 1.9. In addition to that, they will get only minor support instead of full-time. Merchants, whom store version lies in between1.5 to 1.9, will get security patches Magento 1 end of life date.
Third Party Extensions and Core Modules
The support to third party extensions and core modules by vendors will depend on the merchant to merchant. For example, even after Magento 1 end of life, one step checkout will continue to support its product for Magento 1. However, it only works with checkout page improvements. Moreover, the rendered support from the Magento’s end for Magento 1 platform and PHP 7.2 patch will cover the core Magento platform only.
PHP 5.6 End of life
With the Magento1 platform end of life; PHP 5.6 version is also ending. The latest PHP version 7.2 patch is released to enable support for Magento 1.x versions. The latest version of PHP 7.2 is supported up to November 2020.
However, getting a new patch for PHP 7.2 doesn’t mean merchants should delay Magento1 to Magento2 migration process.
Why You Should Migrate to Magento 2? Top Reasons to Migrate to Magento 2
There is no denying over the fact that Magento 2 is way more potent and functional than Magento 1 platform. It offers a range of formidable attributes and functionalities that can help you scale up online business without much of a hitch.
However, the migration process from Magento 1 to Magento 2 is quite intricate. Therefore, you should hire certified Magento 2 developers to seamlessly migrate your prevailing Magento e-commerce store to Magento 2. All the in-built features of Magento 2 can radically improve your store performance and proper users to engage more with your website. In return, you will get more sales, leads, revenue, and repeat business.
Benefits of Migrating to Magento 2
1. Improved Admin Panel and Dashboard
Admin panel and the dashboard have improved to a great extent. Now, admins can navigate easily throughout the admin panel and access all the attributes just on a click. Moreover, the updated dashboard allows you to monitor and analyse sales, last orders, Order ID, most viewed products, and other plethora of things on the main dashboard page itself.
2. New Extensions
In Magento 2 instance, installing and harnessing Magento extensions and modules are easier than ever. Merchants can utilize more than 2000 extensions available for Magento 2 in the Magento marketplace.
3. Scalable
Magento 2 state-of-the-art attributes allow merchants to scale up their prevailing business by manifold times. Page load speed has improved significantly. Now, Magento 2 pages are loading sub 1.5 seconds.
4. Fast Checkout Process
Magento 2 has a swift and streamlined checkout process than Magento 1. Essential changes like automatic identification for registered customers, checkout without registration have been made for users.
This is all about top benefits of the Magento 2 platform. Recently, Magento has released the latest Magento 2.3.3 version which is by far the most efficient Magento 2.3 instance. If you want to go through all the latest and key attributes of Magento 2.3.3 open source and Magento 2.3.3 community edition, we commend you to follow the source mentioned below.
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