6 min readJan 30, 2020


This post covers the latest Magento open source 2.3.4 release notes that comprise key highlights and fixed issues of Magento 2.3.3 version.

After the long-lasting and arduous wait, Magento is finally releasing the Magento 2.3.4 open source release notes which enclose numerous significant platform upgrades, security updates, and enhancement in PSD-2 compliant core payment methods.

In this blog post, we will cover all the major highlights of Magento open source 2.3.4 instance and fixed issues that were prevailing in Magento 2.3.3 release notes.

Magento 2.3.4 Open Source Release Notes Date

As per the Magento official announcement, the release date and month for Magento 2.3.4 release notes is 28th January 2020. The release announcement will be made on the official Magento site and all the major social media platforms like Facebook, Linked In, and Twitter.

Magento Open Source 2.3.4 New Updates and Highlights

The new Magento open source 2.3.4 version has more than 220 functional fixes in the core product and over 30 security enhancements to consolidate the security and amplify functionalities of the new instance. More than 275 community contributors have given resolutionsranging from minor to major to eliminate the functional issues and induce the new features.

1. Substantial Security Enhancements

  • In the latest Magento 2.3.4 instance, more than 30 security enhancements have been made to eliminate the vulnerabilities like remote code execution and cross-site scripting (XSS). The key reason behind fixing these vulnerabilities swiftly is to hinder attackers from accessing Merchants’ admin panel section. According to the official Magento open source 2.3.4 release notes, all the fixed vulnerabilities of the previous platform have been ported to 2.2.11,, and
  • In the Magento 2.3.4 instance, content template features are revamped so that variables and directives can directly call to PHP functions on objects.
  • To exterminate the possibility of remote code execution, layout updates have been dwindled and custom layout updates are removed. From now on, no merchants can specify an entity-specific layout update.

2. Platform Upgrades

You will find a myriad of platform upgrades in the novice Magento 2.3.4. The following updates play a critical role in augmenting PCI compliance and website security.

  • The release of the latest Redis v5.0.6 leads to the improvement in page caching and session storage.
  • The new Magento 2.3.4 supports the latest version of RabbitMQ v3.8 which is the key technology behind the message queue framework.
  • In the Magento 2.3.3 instance, when using declarative schema with MariaDB 10.2, Magento was showing error (schema not up to date) after running setup: upgrade. However, this problem is resolved in Magento 2.3.4 by providing enhanced support for Maria DB 10.2.
  • payment method will not work anymore in the Magento 2.3.4. You need to utilize the official payment integration method available in the marketplace.

3. Infrastructure Improvements

The latest Magento 2.3.4 instance encloses more than 250 enhancements which improve overall quality, functionality, and performance of the framework. Moreover, the significant enhancements have been made in some modules like PayPal, Elasticsearch, catalog, sales, CMS, B2B, and CMS.

4. Performance Boosts

All the merchants and customers will witness a significant improvement in the performance of the platform because of the new enhancements.

  • By using the bundling mechanism, PHTML files have been refactored to provide better support. The new bundling mechanism is competent enough to identify all the Javascript dependencies.
  • The severe problem of the redundant non-cached requests to the server on catalog pages has been removed by improving banner cache logic and refactoring the customer section invalidation mechanism.
  • A new default setting has been introduced that allows merchants to disable static collecting for report modules.

5. Merchant Tool Enhancements

The integration of new Adobe stock integration allows merchants to append high-definition images to their website gallery without leaving the Magento admin panel.By using the searchable interface in the Magento media gallery, merchants are free to deploy stock images in the website content.

6. Inventory Management

There are numerous enhancements made in inventory management. Changes include:

  • A prevalent issue is addressed that was causing the colossal database load on the server with relation to the shopping cart.
  • Multiple quality issues in association with grouped products, credit memos, stock mass actions are resolved.
  • To dwindle the memory usage when finding the compensation on large catalogs, inventory reservation CLI command is updated.

7. Graph QL

In the latest Magento open source 2.3.4 release notes, numerous enhancements are made in GraphQL to improve layered navigation, cart functionality, and other attributes.

  • You can now link carts to customers and render them on different services.
  • You can easily promotion date in cart.
  • In layered navigation, now there is an option to filter custom attributes.
  • The product tax and product discount information are fixed.
  • In the Magento 2.3.4 instance, there is a way better method of returning price data and render an accurate price on the storefront.

8. PWA Studio

To accumulate precise information about enhancements made in PWA, feel free to check PWA studio releases.

9. Dotdigital

Merchants can boost up sales and conversion manifold times with the help of live chat powered dotdigital automated marketing platform. All the merchants with Magento 2.3.3(both commerce and open-source platforms) instance can be connected with a free live agent without being an actual customer of dotdigital.

10. Vendor-Developed Extension Enhancements

A meticulous emphasis has been given to extensions developed by third-party vendors. You will find a significant improvement in UI/UX and the quality of extensions.

11. Google Shopping Ads Channel

To review all the changes made in google shopping ads attribute, google shopping ads channel release note.

Fixed Issues in Magento 2.3.4

Magento has fixed more than hundreds of issues in the latest Magento 2.3.4 instance. Here we are going to state 3 significant issues fixed in Magento 2.3.4 instance. Rest of the fixed functional issues you can find here — Magento open source 2.3.4 release notes.

1. Installation, Upgrade, Deployment

  • In the new Magento 2.3.4 instance, you can seamlessly run bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy in the developer’s mode. Earlier, attempting to run this command was causing technical errors.
  • With an empty database, you can uninterrupted run bin/magento maintenance:enable or bin/magento maintenance:disable for the deployment. Earlier, Magento was showing severe errors when developers were switching to maintenance mode with an empty database.
  • The Cache will not get disabled anymore when you roll out the composer update.
  • In composer.json files, single pipes are changed to double pipes.
  • Earlier, Magento was throwing an error when a developer tries to submit numbers with vendor names. This issue is fixed in the latest instance.
  • You can now generate patch files with setup:db-declaration:generate-patch command by using revert () method when the — — revertable option is set to true.

2. AdminGWS

Earlier, when administrators tried to access content > pages, Magento displayed the error >You cannot define a correlation namestore_tablemore than once. Now, even administrators with fettered access can view content > pages easily.

3. Analytics

  • Admin analytics pop up dialog will not be closed after clicking on the ESC key when an administrator logs in.
  • You cannow use the tab key in Magento 2.3.4 instance to hop on between Allow and Don’t Allow buttons. Earlier, administrators could use the TAB key to navigate out of the dialog.
  • In analytics, module-analytics/Model/ExportDataHandler.php accumulates data in Docroot/var/folder.

To see the entire list of fixed issues, feel free to visit official Magento open source 2.3.4 release notes.

How to Download Magento 2.3.4 open-source? How to Upgrade to Magento 2.3.4?

You can download and install Magento 2.3.4 in a plethora of ways. However, before you upgrade to Magento 2.3.4, you first understand the business requirements meticulously and decide whether you need the enterprise version or community version.

When Magento 2.3.5 Will Be Released?

After the release of Magento 2.3.4 open source release notes, everyone must be eagerly waiting for Magento 2.3.5 instance as it will bring the new updates and different sets of fixed issues. Till yet, no announcement has been made by the Magento community regarding the release of Magento 2.3.5. We will let you know about it as soon as Magento drops any announcement.

To upgrade your prevailing Magento instance to Magento 2.3.4, we recommend you to rope in experienced Magento 2 developers who can make sure seamless up-gradation without any data and security breach.

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Written by EmizenTech

EmizenTech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading software development and consulting company.

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