Opening Of New Possibilities For Health Through M-Health!

11 min readMay 2, 2022


What exactly is mHealth?

According to the World Health Organization, mHealth is the use of mobile and wireless technology to aid in the accomplishment of health goals. mHealth, as defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is the use of mobile and wireless devices to enhance health status, health care services, and health research.

The essential word in both meanings is, of course, mobility. because mobile technology is now virtually ubiquitous.

According to PewResearchCenter, over 50 % of Americans own a tablet device, and nearly nine out of ten own a cell phone. The term “mHealth” has evolved to designate a particularly specific form of telehealth. One that is powered by consumer applications and usually does not involve a doctor at all.

Where did the idea of mHealth arise from?

The impetus for the growth of the mHealth sector stems from two sources.

The first issue is the plethora of restrictions that developing-country healthcare systems face. These restrictions include rapid population expansion, a high illness burden, a shortage of healthcare workers, a large rural population, and inadequate financial resources to fund healthcare infrastructure and health information systems.

The second issue is the recent rapid growth in mobile phone usage in developing nations, which has reached huge sectors of the healthcare workforce as well as the general public.

Since the introduction of the first iPhone, mobile applications have penetrated virtually every sector. Healthcare, one of the most promising and growing industries, generating about 10% of global GDP, is also being influenced by mobile applications.

With the changing landscape, it is certain that mobile health technology (mHealth) is being welcomed and has demonstrated its potential to improve accessibility, affordability, and the quality of healthcare services.

Here are the numbers which speak for themselves!

According to Grand View Research, worldwide mHealth revenue would reach a staggering $49.12 billion by 2020. These figures are significantly more than the actual predictions (nearly 50x) of $104 million predicted by Research2Guidance in 2010.

Another study revealed that by 2020, the mHealth technology market will surpass their growth by 33% to USD 60 billion, as per the stats of MarketAndMarket.

Mobile device penetration as a significant indicator refers to the fact that the mHealth market has grown and developed as Smartphone ownership and use have increased. The use of digital forms for consumer connection with healthcare providers is becoming more prevalent, and it is frequently regarded as a more convenient method of interaction.

According to HIMSS, on today’s date, 64% of U.S. adults regularly use an app to measure health metrics.

Mobile health services can provide chronic disease programs, remote monitoring, patient data, electronic records, e-prescriptions, and fitness and wellness applications. Using mobile devices to monitor patients’ health and data might be very convenient.

Recently, a study hosted by Gallup revealed that 19% of Americans are using wearable health-tracking devices along with a mobile health app. About ⅓ Americans tried health tracking devices such as Fitbit and smartwatches (34%) or have tracked their health statistics through mobile or tablet (32%)

It includes some wonderful health applications!

A plethora of health-related applications are in it, there are dozens of healthcare apps accessible for both consumers and healthcare professionals, as well as apps with varying features.

Weather, exercise, lifestyle and stress, and diet and nutrition applications are among the most popular health-related apps. Such applications can assist users in sticking to diets, tracking exercise goals, and providing nutrition, diet, and healthy living advice.

The majority of such apps are free to download and use, allowing anybody with a mobile device to do so.

mHealth is a thriving industry. The mobile health industry is anticipated to develop further in the following years, surpassing USD 300 billion by 2025.

As health trends and concerns shift in the future years, so will the use of mHealth. For example, as the prevalence of diabetes rises in the United States, the potential use of mHealth applications to aid in diabetes treatment and prevention will be one of the primary therapy sectors for mHealth app developers.

As per Research 2 Guidance, 70% of mHealth practitioners are rating diabetes to have the highest market potential over the next 5 years, followed by Hypertension (29%), Depression (23%), and coronary heart diseases (16%).

Why is mhealth trending all this time?

Smartphones are progressively replacing conventional pagers and desktop computers in major medical settings. Consumers are increasingly opting for the DIY (do it yourself) approach to fitness and wellness management, as Consumer mHealth apps are targeting wellness that includes, fitness, lifestyle, and nutrition comprises ⅔rd of the mHealth app space, as per the report of IMSHealth.

Another factor we can consider behind the rapid growth of mHealth applications is because 75% of all doctors, urgent care, and ER visits are not necessary as they can be easily handled safely and effectively over a phone call or DIY instructions available in a video from the application, As relayed by C2.

So, what are the market dynamics, use trends, and public perceptions connected with this exponential growth of mobile healthcare technology?

In-depth analysis and survey data are used to provide responses, which are then distributed in the form of statistics and reports.

And some of the more fascinating mHealth statistics in these domains are worth mentioning. As an example, 80% of surveyed physicians utilize their mobile or tablet devices to assist in their day to day practices. — Skycure. And 93% of physicians feel that mobile health applications may enhance the health of their patients. — Excellent Call.

42 percent of patients polled indicated they would prefer to schedule an appointment online if they could, but they didn’t have the chance. — Accenture Health Services.

Hospitals that use mobile devices to collect healthcare data are 74% more efficient than those that do not. — Ricoh Investigations.

Kays Harbor’s infographic shows significant data that demonstrate the significance of mHealth services in healthcare technology.

It combines the influence of the recent increase in the creation of health-related fitness applications, EMRs, EHRs, mobile wearables, healthcare dashboards, telehealth and telemedicine apps for providers and patients, consumer feedback and attitudes, and mHealth projections for the coming years.

Let’s see more in-depth about mhealth and its functions!

mHealth, often known as mobile health, is a wide word that refers to a range of programs that are used on cell phones to monitor health, treat disease, and enhance human health outcomes. These technologies can include remote patient monitoring sensors that broadcast data through the Internet, the OrthoLive telemedicine program for orthopedic experts or something as simple as the Fit Bit patients wear to measure activity.

The advantage of mHealth is that technology allows our patients to become more involved in their search for assistance. It enables clinicians to minimize the number of ER visits by monitoring chronic illnesses. According to GreatCall, about 93% of physicians find it beneficial to have a mobile phone connected to emergency health services.

As a subset of telehealth, mHealth is one of the fastest-growing areas in a market teeming with these new tools. As of 2020, telehealth as a mHealth sector had the highest investments with the number of 1.78 billion U.S. dollars.

Here are the most recent industry trends and data linked to mHealth.

The yearly cost of medication non-adherence varies according to disease. In the next five years, global healthcare costs will be reduced because of mHealth. Size of the worldwide mhealth market forecasted from 2016 to 2025. From 2014 to 2024, the size of the digital health business in the United States is projected to grow by technology.

From 2015 through 2025, the market for mobile health apps in the United States is expected to grow. Estimated market size for mobile health apps in the United States, by kind, from 2018 to 2025.

Apps for Healthcare have increased, Number of health mobile applications globally by 2018. Installs of chosen health mobile applications in 2018 are as follows-

There are a plethora of mHealth applications that use sophisticated and conventional AI all around the world.

According to Grand view research, In 2020, the global mHealth market size was valued at USD 45.7 billion and it is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.6% from 2021 to 2028.

By the year 2020, Trends in the Usage of Digital Devices, in General, are as follows-

According to Pew Research, 68 percent of Americans had a tablet in 2015, while nine out of ten had a Smartphone. This figure has skyrocketed.

From Millennials to Baby Boomers, smartphones are owned by more than half of all demographic groups.

More than half of Smartphone users use their devices to do online health research or gathering.

According to reports, the worldwide market for mHealth devices will be worth $37 billion in 2019.

Approximately 64% of individuals in the United States use a health-tracking app regularly. as per HIMSS (Health Information Management Systems Society).

Having the most modern technological items is essential to nearly half of all Americans.

Instead of simply owning a Smartphone, more individuals possess a Smartphone, a laptop, and a PC. So, The market segment for medication adherence apps is predicted to reach some 3.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2025.

71 percent of patients believe it would be beneficial for their doctor to have access to the health data collected by their mobile app.

According to Pew Research, when it comes to digital technology, there just aren’t many non-users remaining.

According to Pew Research, the following populations use their smartphones or cell phones in the following ways: Ages 18–49 = 91 to 99 percent., College grads range from 91% to 97%, Household income of $75,000 or more.

According to Gallup, As the most common form of long-distance communication, texting and email have now surpassed phone calls.

Trends in Healthcare-Specific Digital Adoption are as follows,

More than two-thirds of healthcare technology executives feel that the usage of mHealth will have a significant influence on healthcare in the future. Doctors are expanding their use of mHealth technologies; HIMSS considers this use “widespread” and indicates that physicians are utilizing these tools to Collect bedside data. Data from distant devices can be monitored. Transmit data and arrange care continuity, Conduct telemedicine visits, Communicate with your patients, Integrate data into the EMR.

According to HIMSS, the most common types of mHealth health apps currently are

Trackers for exercise and fitness, Calorie and diet calculators, Weight scales, Eating well is important, Menstrual cycle monitors, Blood pressure monitors, Diabetes or blood sugar monitoring devices, Medication administration, Trackers of one’s mood, sleep tracking.

Global mHealth sales will reach $49.12 billion by 2020, according to Health IT Outcomes.

Forty percent of physicians polled feel mHealth apps such as telemedicine might reduce the amount of in-office visits.

Health IT Outcomes provides data on several physician and healthcare community utilization trends which are as follows.

93 percent of doctors feel mHealth applications may enhance patients’ health.

74 percent of hospitals that use mobile app devices to collect patient data are more efficient than those that don’t.

42 percent of patients say they prefer computerized appointment scheduling over contacting their provider.

In 2016, 70% of surveyed physicians utilized their mobile devices to manage patient data.

Here are some Medical Applications of mHealth

In major healthcare facilities, smartphones have rapidly supplanted traditional pagers and desktop computers. Consumers are increasingly opting for a do-it-yourself approach to fitness and health management.

Here are some Outcomes of Health IT

Outcomes of Health IT Physicians are increasingly adding digital treatments into their patient interactions. 56 percent of doctors have begun using these technologies, and 26 percent of patients have inquired about them.

According to a recent survey, 84 percent of healthcare practitioners use mobile devices for post-hospital patient discharge assistance.

PWC questioned people to determine whether they would be willing to utilize an FDA app or online tool to address a medical issue. According to the study, 21% would be extremely likely. 33 percent is a reasonable bet.

Last year, Apple gained FDA clearance for a new smart watch-enabled ECG monitoring gadget that detects atrial fibrillation.

Diabetes, hypertension, depression, and coronary disease are among the most prevalent conditions for which mHealth applications are used to monitor and treat patients.

75 percent of all urgent care, physician, and emergency room visits are unnecessary and could be managed by telemedicine.

According to a recent poll, 80 percent of doctors now utilize their mobile devices as a regular component of their daily practice.

A mHealth application linked to emergency health services is helpful to 93 percent of clinicians.

Healthcare professionals are discovering that smartphones and mobile health messaging systems are altering the way they manage population health initiatives.

More about OrthoLive which is a mHealth platform.

OrthoLive is a telemedicine app that may be accessed via any digital device, including a mobile phone. Our application assists orthopedic doctors in utilizing mHealth in ways that benefit both patients and the physicians who treat them. If your clinic is ready to join the mHealth revolution, contact the OrthoLive team for a free demonstration of our service.

The focus of mhealth is also on elderly individuals (those aged 50 and over).

Rates of wearable technology usage among older persons in the United States in 2019. Sharing of health data from wearable technologies among older folks. Older individuals have an interest in and ownership of healthcare technologies. In the United States, older individuals share health information on social media in 2019.Preferences of 50+ aged individuals for adopting technology in health care delivery in the United States in 2019

So people who enter mHealth, what do they say about it!

People entering mHealth studies often have varying levels of familiarity with mobile technology. Some users are quite adept at using mobile phones and the associated features that might be necessary to participate in the study.

Others will be unfamiliar with the specific device/model or operating system used in a study. FOCUS was designed under principles for the development of e-resources for people with serious mental illnesses and cognitive impairment. People tested early versions, adapted, and re-tested the modified system with user groups with schizophrenia who provided feedback and guidance to enhance usability.

mHealth interventions can be deployed in any clinical setting or geographic (e.g. urban, rural, cross-border) setting. Developing a mHealth intervention for a rural environment or developing country will necessitate close consideration of the quality of local wireless connectivity.

Here PWC held a pole where they asked their consumers about whether they would be willing to use an FDA app or online tool to treat their medical conditions, and these facts surfaced from the survey, about 21% of people said that they will opt for the likely meanwhile 33% would be somewhat likely to use the app.

So what can be done to improvise it further!

In order for healthcare to achieve efficiency with better digital relationships, nearly most of the respondents to the HRI’s survey — 94% of provider executives, 92% of life sciences executives, and 91% of health plan executives said that improving clinical experience is a priority for their organization as of 2021.

So, thoughtful mHealth research will help generate tools that can have a meaningful impact on the lives of people coping with physical and mental health conditions. Challenges include negotiating multidisciplinary team efforts, conceptually shifting from clinic to mobile-based intervention design and delivery strategies, and monitoring and flexible resolution of ongoing technological challenges.





Written by EmizenTech

EmizenTech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading software development and consulting company.

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